Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011, 2nd Post

Okay, just getting the hang of this. I noticed the date today is 20 years exactly from my baby's "due date." He was born a few days later than the doctor predicted, and I was so very happy when he was born!

Well, my baby is turning twenty in a few days, and Mama is starting an important new phase in her life! I feel a creative urge growing inside me, after much labor pain getting to this point, and something wonderful is on it's way! I am continually pleasantly surprized by what I call "The Tenacity of Life! (I like to spell Surprize with a Z, it's my blog!)

For example, a cactus flower blossoming  from an impossible crack in the wall of a tall, tall cliff. Leaving one to wonder, How in the world did that ever grow there? These things give me HOPE.

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